Rome: Amazon Tenda Common House

Amazon Tenda Common House

Rome, July 29, 2019

Dear Brothers and Dear Sisters!

From 6 to 27 October 2019, the Synod on the Amazon will be celebrated in Rome: "New paths for the Church and for an Integral ecology".

REPAM, the "Pan Amazonian Church Network", which brings together representatives of the dioceses and the Church of the Amazon. The preparatory phase of the Synod involved the indigenous peoples of the Amazon, the"quilombolas", the peasants, the inhabitants of the cities with over 250 activities in the various countries that make up Thebiome.

REPAM, during the Synod, will accompany with prayer and numerous activities to raise awareness of the Fathers in the synod and of their important role of listening and discernment.

In Rome, REPAM organized the "Tienda Amazonia Casa Común" (Tenda del Amazonia Common House) to reproduce the beautiful experience of the "Tienda de los martires" which was experienced during the Latin American Episcopal Conference in Aparecida in 2007. 

Among their shepherds presenting Aparecida at that time was then cardinal Jorge Bergoglio. There was a feeling of being accompanied and sensitized with the prayers of God’s faithful during the all the Conference.
The Common House is the Earth that God has given to all of us. The"Tenda" will be held in   Rome, close to the location of the Synod, at the church Of Santa Maria in Traspontina. This is a way of companioning participants in the synod.

October is missionary month. We are in a moment of important change. We have an opportunity and the duty of primary importance following what Pope Francis asks of us, that is, to take initiative as to  how the Church can service the progress of humanity. Of primary importance, is to take initiative. The community evangelizer experiment is that the Lord has taken the initiative, he has preceeded us in love (cf. 1 Gv 4.10), and for this we know what to do. The first step of knowing is to take initiative without fear, go out to meetings, search in a way and get there. Go to the inter sections of roads to invite the excluded. The Church knows how to get involved. The Church is now on the second year of this process.

We ask male and female religious congregations to get involved, and to live the missionary month "going out", supporting with at least two volunteers the activities of the "Tenda of the Amazon Common House. It will become a space of reception, of listening, prayer, and theological reflection, pastoral considerations, debates and presentations of videos. There will be moments of conviviality and occasions for meetings with the indigenous peoples i"quilombolas" the Fathers of the Synod, persons from the Pan Amazonian areas and others of the people of God. This can become a point of reference for theologians, and consultants that offer contributions to the synod process.
Help us write a beautiful page of church history!

May God, Father and Mother of infinite goodness inspire and protect us!


Download the schedule with the dates


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