Rome: Amazon Tenda Common House
Amazon Tenda Common House A HOUSE FOR ALL, A SPACE OF PRAYER AND REFLECTION DURING THE PANAMAZONIAN SYNOD Rome, July 29, 2019 Dear Brothers and Dear Sisters! From 6 to 27 October 2019, the Synod on the Amazon will be celebrated in Rome: "New paths for the Church and for an Integral ecology". REPAM, the "Pan Amazonian Church Network", which brings together representatives of the dioceses and the Church of the Amazon. The preparatory phase of the Synod involved the indigenous peoples of the Amazon, the"quilombolas", the peasants, the inhabitants of the cities with over 250 activities in the various countries that make up Thebiome. REPAM, during the Synod, will accompany with prayer and numerous activities to raise awareness of the Fathers in the synod and of their important role of listening and discernment. In Rome, REPAM organized the "Tienda Amazonia Casa Común" (Tenda del Amazonia Common House) to reproduce the beautiful experi...